On May 8th, twenty-one intrepid birders ascended the wilds of Tanager Hill and the Owen-Mortimer Trail in Simsbury. Luckily, a changing weather pattern yielded a reasonably good day of birding in an otherwise frustrating season.
In all, thirteen warblers species were either seen or heard, including Black-throated Blue, Magnolia, Blackburnian, Louisiana Waterthrush, and our target, the sometimes elusive Hooded Warbler. As it is often difficult to view the Hooded, participants were advised to make-note of the always reliable breeding areas and return at another time.
Other notable birds included three Winter Wrens, a Blue-headed Vireo, and a distant-calling Purple Finch. At the end of the trip, seven of us ventured three miles north to the field at the intersection of Terry’s Plain and Goodrich Roads, where a single Bobolink gave us a brief look. In all, 50 species were tabulated. Thanks to John Weeks and Jon Ward for their help in leading
this trip.
Respectfully submitted, Doug Beach