Station 43 Wetland Birds, South Windsor

On Saturday May 27th, three birders gathered at Station 43 for a walk focused primarily on wetland nesting birds. Our small group size and enthusiasm allowed us to successfully bird the entrance road to the marsh by discovering hard-to-spot species such as Canada Warbler, Ruby-throated Hummingbird and Warbling Vireo. A beautifully teed up male Orchard Oriole on a dead tree branch allowed the trip leader to place the bird in the scope for all to enjoy. A Great Crested Flycatcher and a myriad of singing Yellow Warblers accompanied us the remainder of trail until we finally reached the marsh. Once there, the sounds of Swamp Sparrows, Marsh Wrens and Red-winged Blackbirds let us know that we were in the right place! As we scanned the wetlands, a female Wood Duck was anticipatedly logged on our trip list. Moments later, the first of two Virginia Rail sightings surprised us all as it darted quickly across the pathway. Our only encounter with a Least Bittern was a good one as it flew directly in front of us before dropping into dense vegetation. A visit to the Hartford Audubon Observation Platform turned into an unexpected wet adventure thanks to a busy beaver and his impressive handiwork. From the elevated platform, birders were able to observe Eastern Kingbirds and Willow Flycatchers as well as a Green and Great Blue Herons. An Osprey was also spotted circling over the Station 43 preserve. As we splashed our way back along the road, a Virginia Rail was discovered cleaning and preening itself right out in the open! What a nice way to conclude a wetland bird walk!  We ended our day with 42 bird species.

Respectively submitted,
Paul Cianflaglione
Trip Leader