Five birders met at Sachuest Point N W R in Rhode Island for my annual trip. We started out along the trail that overlooks the ocean finding a small amount of the usual duck species but the best bird was one or two Northern Gannets. However, once we rounded the curve in the trail things picked up. We had good numbers of Surf and Black Scoters as well as two White Winged Scoters along with the usual Harlequin Ducks. In the distance were a number of Great Cormorants sitting on the rocks. Also seen here near the road was a cock Ring Necked Pheasant which I was assured by the refuge staff that it was NOT pen raised!

Our next stop was to Trustrom Pond N W R where we picked up a number of small birds at the feeders. We always get more passerine birds at the feeders than we see in the woods. Probably because they know the feeders are here! Downy Woodpecker, Black Capped Chickadee, Tufted Titmouse, White Breasted Nuthatch, White Throated Sparrow and Northern Cardinal were new for the day. Along the trail on the way out to Osprey Point we found a Golden Crowned Kinglet and Eastern Bluebird. Upon arriving at the pond we picked up good on the ducks including American Wigeon, Gadwall, Blue Winged Teal, Green Winged Teal and best of all several Redheads to bring our duck total to 20. Also found was one more Eastern Bluebird.

Next we visited Moonstone Beach where we added Piping Plover.

Our final stop was a new stop for this trip called South Shore Wildlife Management Area. We did not see many birds here but later in the season it should prove productive. What was here though was a huge Snapping Turtle! At the beginning of the trip I commented I would like us to see 60 species. Total species for the trip-60!

Respectfully submitted,
Paul Desjardins, guide