Greenstone Hollow Nature Preserve

This East Granby property is 38 acres in size. Ridge Boulevard runs through the south part of the preserve and provides 5 entrances to trails on the property. The 2 plus miles of named trails are clearly marked with trail signs including maps that can be photographed by the two north entrances.

There are also benches at various overlooks throughout the property which can be used for resting while walking the trails, or as a destination to sit and watch the birds for a while from one spot.  One of those benches is located at the butterfly garden and bluebird house project maintained by club volunteers.

Greenstone is a property with diverse habitats including shrubby fields, a dense shrub layer, red cedars and white pine, hardwood forest, cattail marsh, a large beaver pond, and a perennial stream with a shrubby shore. The preserve is in the 100 year flood zone and is crossed by the South Tributary of Austin Brook. This is an abandoned farm field in forest succession. Parts of the interior are left for undisturbed wildlife habitat with no trails. It is surrounded by residential development and farm fields.

Larry Lunden and Chris Fisher along with help from many club member volunteers have been active in creating and maintaining trails and cleaning up the property over the last several years.

Hartford Audubon bird walks are held 2 to 3 times each year and those walks along with regular visits by both club members and other birders have made it a hotspot on eBird with more than 130 reported species.

If you have any questions regarding this sanctuary, please contact Chris Fisher at or Larry Lunden at


Greenstone Hollow map