Greenstone Hollow Nature Preserve

Trip Report, May 13, 2023

The day was clear and sunny.  Four of us gathered for the Greenstone trip.  The leaves were out, so most of the ID was by ear and Merlin.  Still the numbers were few.

In the pond south of the road we had a Common Yellowthroat and a Yellow Warbler both of which sang.  We heard a faint Wood Thrush in the distance.

In the shrubs we had a Blue-winged Warbler which was good as they require shrublands for nesting.  Only one Tree Swallow was seen, which was unusually few.

Over the marsh was a Baltimore Oriole which we heard and saw.

We had a total of 22 species, including 3 warblers.

Larry Lunden


Mourning Dove  1, Turkey Vulture  2, Red-bellied Woodpecker  1, Eastern Phoebe  1, Tufted Titmouse  4, Tree Swallow  1, House Wren  2, Carolina Wren  2, European Starling  11, Gray Catbird  1, Wood Thrush  1, American Robin  5, American Goldfinch  1, Song Sparrow  3, Baltimore Oriole  1, Red-winged Blackbird  5, Brown-headed Cowbird  2, Common Grackle  3, Blue-winged Warbler  1, Common Yellowthroat  2, Yellow Warbler  6, Northern Cardinal  4