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Second Annual (2023) Hartford Audubon “Big January” Photo contest

Second Annual (2023) Hartford Audubon “Big January” Photo conte

Hello members,

Happy New Year!

January 2023 is here and we are birding and take photos while birding.

We are inviting you to submit 1 to 6 of your current Big January pictures, one per category.  You do NOT have to have competed in Big January to enter – any January, 2023 photos taken in the Hartford County are eligible!

There are six categories:

  1. Best overall of bird(s)
  2. Bird behavior
  3. Rarest bird
  4. Birders (people!)
  5. Oops/ the one that got away…
  6. Funniest


By February 20th submit one picture per category to Mona Cavallero at  Please use the attached form for submissions.

Big January 2023 Photo Submission Form

By February 28th Mona will number and upload all photos to the HAS website.

By March 31st the three judges who are professional bird photographers will select the winners. They will review the photos on the website and agree on the winning selections.  We will again invite Julian Hough, Chris Fisher and Sam Fried to be our judges!

Winners will be announced and ribbons presented at the HAS Spring banquet.

The six selected photos will be printed, framed and displayed at the banquet and given as awards to the winners.

All photos will be part of the large screen display at the banquet.

Please enter the contest – we can’t wait to see the images you’ve gathered in this cold, snowy month!

Send all questions to Maggie Peretto at  


Greenstone Hollow – 2019 Annual Report

Greenstone Hollow Nature Preserve continues to be a place of activity for our members.  This year we held three bird walks with a total attendance of 23.  We added a walk for National Trails Day, sponsored by the Connecticut Forest and Park Association.

No new species were sighted this year, so the count remains at 118 species at the preserve.  Sandi Jones is making regular visits to the preserve and posting her observations on eBird.  I appreciate birders who enter their sightings on eBird, and encourage others to visit the preserve and record their checklists.

We held six work days, with an attendance of 24.  Our main focus this year has been on maintaining the trails.  Larry Lunden, Andrew Smith, Cathy Delasco, Doug Beach and Chris Fisher spread 20 cubic yards of mulch, donated by the town of East Granby, on the Kinglet Woods Trail to even out the rooty ground.  Roberta Gowing agreed to work on the butterfly garden, and with the help of Paul and Vicki Margiott cleaned out all the invading plants.  Two of the officers from the East Granby Land Trust, Cathy Delasco and Michelle Clifford, joined the crew.  Many thanks to our continuing crew, including Stan McMillen and Karen Walsh..

Chris made two major improvements to the preserve.  He installed a new set of trail and overlook name signs to replace the older ones that had deteriorated, as well as a pair of all new map signs to make it easier to navigate the preserve.  This was funded by a generous donation from Susan and Sammy Samuel, who live in the neighborhood, as well as funds approved by the directors of HAS.  He also put a new deck on the bridge at Bluebird Hollow to improve footing.

Our two benches have deteriorated due to weather and are no longer useable.

Chris and Doug continue to keep the trails mowed and open for visitors.

Our goals in the coming year are to continue holding bird walks and work days.  We will continue our habitat improvements in the shrub swamp and wet meadow.

Larry Lunden & Chris Fisher


Lewis Farm Preserve repair work done – Thanks to Bob Winter

The HAS Lewis Farm Preserve was hit by a microburst on July 6th that took down the tops of a number of large trees, blocked the entrance to the preserve, and dropped some large limbs on many of the trails.  A very special thank-you goes out to our property steward, Bob Winter, for his extraordinary work clearing up the mess.  Bob spent 8 straight days of work with a heavy-duty chainsaw and bucket loader to clear up the entrance and trails. We are so lucky to have Bob, and other volunteers like him, who step up and do substantial work to keep our preserves open for us to enjoy.

Please drop Bob a note to thank him (, and do go visit the preserve soon!

Hot and a little buggy in summer, but great birding!

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