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WordPress Tutorial


  • WordPress: A free, open source, web application designed for blogging.  It is very popular – about 40% of the websites are based on WP.
  • Post: A document – sort of like an email. For example, every speaker, event, and activity is a separate post.  Posts display on lists from newest to oldest – it is easiest to set up the season’s speakers and storytellers in advance – even if the post is only a placeholder.
  • Category: Posts are assigned one or more Categories to keep them organized. Sort of like a label in email.
  • Page: A document similar to a Post, but they are not assigned Categories. They are typically assigned to menu trees.  For example, the Speakers page is at the top of the menu and the Speaker Posts are under it.  The Activities Page is also at the top of the menu but underneath are other Pages such as Book Club, Hiking, etc.
  • Theme: the template that determines the general look and feel of the WordPress website. There are many, we use Hemingway.
  • Plug-In: WordPress has basic functionality. A Plug-in is a small piece of code that does some specific task.  For example, we use UltimatePostList to create the Table of Contents for speakers, TablePress allows data in tables – used to show Officers & Directors, A-Z Listing is used to show the Member Directory.  Most have their own admin dashboard.
  • Media: Images and PDF’s are stored in the Media Library. From there they are inserted into Pages and Posts.
  • BlueHost: the company that hosts our website.

WP Tutorial – short orientation

wp tutorial

Station 43 Sanctuary Report – December 2019

I only took over stewardship of the sanctuary in September. It was a very pleasant fall. Jay Kaplan and a few others participated in the Big Sit in October from the platform. I mowed the path into the platform a few times before the hard frost and cut back the brush along the path and around the platform.

I am thinking of having a work party day after the floods in the spring. Some of the members and have asked about the wet areas along the path to the platform and if we could build something over them. I am willing to hear any suggestions, but I think with the nature of the flooding, it will be hard to do anything permanent.

We still have a fair number of visitors to the sanctuary and the birding has been good this fall.  I am hoping the birding continues to be productive through the winter and we have a good showing for the Christmas Count.

Blair Wlochowski, 12-3-19

A tribute to Stephanie Lovell – Longtime Member of HAS

This June, Hartford Audubon lost a longtime beloved member, Stephanie Lovell. She was a member of HAS since 1995, President of the Society 2003-2005, Member of the Year in 2007, and led 54 trips for HAS.  She is remembered for being ardent in her birding and brooking no foolishness when on the prowl. She generously shared her favorite birding haunts, participated on the HAS Facebook page, and continued to lead trips to Delmarva even after moving to Maryland to be closer to her daughter.  She also was excellent at Trivial Pursuit and was a scotch connoisseur. She is missed but, as one member expressed it, probably still birding!

Hartford Audubon President,
Sarah Faulkner

Hartford Audubon Annual Banquet – May 14, 2019


Dear members of Hartford Audubon,

It was my pleasure to serve as your president for the past two years. I have gotten to know many of you and hope to stay in close contact.

Thank you for your kind words and compliments. You have been very supportive. The banquet tonight was a success with 81 members registered.

After an hour of socializing and drinks, we had a delicious dinner, productive meeting and the group enjoyed a game of CT Bird Bingo.

I wish Sarah Faulkner and the new board of directors success and fun times.


Maggie Peretto

Hartford Audubon president

Celebrating HAS Club members noteworthy anniversaries!

Three of our long-standing members: Paul Desjardins (60 years), Paul Carrier (50 years), and Gil Kleiner (50 years) were presented with certificates honoring their long term memberships and birding years / contributions with the Hartford Audubon Society.   We all appreciate their support and dedication to HAS!

Congratulations to Gil, Paul C and Paul D!


Hartford Audubon Society – Pot Luck Supper – December 11, 2018 – Fun with Friends!

Fun time with Hartford Audubon friends at our Pot Luck Supper!

December 11, 2018 @ 6:30 pm9:00 pm

Bring your favorite dish for sharing and your own table setting. Beverages will be provided. Bring a bird related $5.00 wrapped gift to place under the Christmas tree. Participants will randomly choose a gift to open after dinner. Also bring a birding treasure that you no longer need for the tea cup auction.

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