Trip Report:
Family Birdwalk in Elizabeth Park – 6/5/2021 – Submitted by Trip Leader –  Sarah Faulkner
A wonderful group of 14 folks joined together for an introductory, family birdwalk in Elizabeth Park on Sunday, June 5th from 9 -11 am.  The walk was offered by HAS for CT Trails Weekend and led by Sarah Faulkner, and drew both members and non-members alike, including a number of children. It was a lovely, warm spring morning and there were many birds to see.  At the pond we got good looks at the numerous adult and gosling Canada geese, some mallards, a double-crested cormorant, and — just as the leader was talking about herons and egrets — in flew a spectacular great blue heron.  Walking around the park we saw woodpeckers, small woodland birds, got great looks at a flicker, and more. It was a new experience for many attendees and I think we may have encouraged some new birders. Binoculars were loaned to many attendees who appreciated the birds that much more.  One parent whose family had never been birding said “it was a unique experience for us and we thoroughly enjoyed it…  Now when I go for walk.. very curious to identify the birds I see…” .