Station 43 Wildlife Sanctuary

Station 43 Wildlife Sanctuary

Station 43

Station 43 comprises about 9 acres of shallow pond and marsh, bordered by over 400 acres of wetland, meadows, and active farmland on our south, west, and north boundaries, and by 100 acres of wooded higher ground to the east.

Located below the 20 ft elevation contour in the Connecticut River flood plain in South Windsor, this is one of the most productive inland bird watching sites in Connecticut and is a Special Focus Area of the Silvio Conte NFWR. Additionally, the area has been designated as an Important Bird Area by the National Audubon Society. Ten Endangered, nine Threatened and nine Special Concern bird species have been reported here, among 229 total bird species.

The trail entrance to Station 43 is directly opposite where Newberry Road intersects Main Street in South Windsor.  Park on the west side of Main Street (please don’t block any driveways or mailboxes) and walk west from the intersection on what starts as a rutted driveway and quickly turns into a trail.  Follow the trail out to the pond and observation deck.  Our property ends with the observation deck.

A few things to prepare for your walk. Bug repellent is recommended in warmer months.   Many areas of the path are wet and muddy, especially at the pond area where water can be up to 12 inches deep. High, fully waterproof boots are required to make it to the platform most of the time. Hunting is not allowed on the Station 43 property but does legally occur on adjacent properties. Most hunters are required to wear fluorescent orange, all visitors are encouraged to do the same thing during hunting seasons (Sept – Feb, but not on Sundays).

Do not use recording devices to call the rails, Sora’s or any other birds that have chosen Station 43 for the “critical” purpose of nesting. You most likely hear them call as they are trying to attract a mate. You may also get lucky and see them walk the trail.

If you see any trash (which is not often) please, pick it up. Always be respectful of other birders. Keep fast moves and noise at a minimum.


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