Five birders joined me for a trip to the Connecticut Audubon Society’s Smith Richardson Preserve in Westport, an excellent place to see sparrows and other migrants particularly in fall migration.    The trip lasted for about 3.5 hours and we walked 2.73 miles.

The birds were quite skittish today and some folks had trouble getting on the birds before they ducked into cover, and some birds were only seen by 1-2 participants.

Highlights included:  Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers, Blue-headed Vireo, Red-breasted Nuthatches, a Marsh Wren, Grasshopper Sparrow (only seen by leader), Clay-colored Sparrow (only seen by two), Field Sparrow, White-crowned Sparrows, Lincoln’s Sparrows, Tennessee Warbler, lots of Indigo Buntings and two Blue Grosbeaks, seen only by a few.


Patrick Comins

Executive Director

(203) 259 0416 x107