Saturday March 25 enticed only five birders to show up for the annual Rhode Island trip. We birded all day under overcast skys but at least the rain held off. We started off at Sachuest Point National Wildlife Refuge where we saw the usual assortment of ducks including Harlequins, Common Eiders, several White Winged Scoters as well as Black Scoters. Both loon species were seen including a Common Loon in breeding plumage. Unusual for this early was a Lesser Yellowlegs and numerous Purple Sandpipers added to the mix.

Next we visited Scarborough Beach State Park which is located near Point Judith. We were hoping to spot the Black Headed Gull which is often see here but no luck this time. Almost nothing was seen here so we headed to Point Judith where we ate our lunch hoping to spot whatever came by. The only new species for the day were several Surf Scoters.

Our final Destination was to Trustrom Pond National Wildlife Refuge. The only Northern Gannet of the day was seen here. It is here that we always add a lot of passerine species. New for the day here were Downy and Hairy Woodpecker, White Breasted Nuthatch, Tufted Titmouse, an audio Golden Crowned Kinglet and a couple of sparrows. The real treat here are the waterfowl. We observed Gadwall, American Wigeon, 4 Northern Pintails and several Redheads among others. We ended with 18 species of ducks thanks to Trustrom. We also had both cormorant species side by side for comparison and we saw a Great Egret. We ended the day with 60 species.

Respectfully submitted,
Paul Desjardins