Nine HAS members and friends set out in hopes of moderately cold weather and lots of birds. On Saturday morning we explored the upper reaches of Cape Ann. The rewards included fabulous looks at Harlequin Ducks, Thick billed Murre, Barrows Goldeneye, Razorbill, Red throated Loon, Northern Gannet, and the scoter trifecta: Black, White winged, and Surf Scoter. A small flock of Purple Sandpipers were found on Bass Rocks in Gloucester. The best highlight was the sighting of two Peregrine Falcons. Sunday in Newburyport: The Government shut down, but Plum Island was open for birding. Sightings of Red tailed Hawk, Bald Eagle, Northern Harrier (Gray Ghost), a close-up view of a Rough legged Hawk, and distant looks at Snowy Owl were the raptor delights. Salisbury Beach State Park offered closer looks at 2 more Snowy Owls. The day ended with 12 Sanderlings. Total species: 44

Respectfully submitted,
Fran D’Amico