Penwood State Park, Bloomfield – 5/13/2023

 On Saturday May 13th, five birders gathered at Penwood State Park in Bloomfield on what proved to be a very birdy morning walk. The newly paved parking lot area offered gatherers the opportunity to study the sounds of Yellow-throated Vireo, Blue-gray Gnatcatchers and Pine Warblers. Baltimore Orioles, American Redstarts and Warbling Vireos found the tall deciduous trees along the entrance road pond inviting for both gorging on insects and potential nest sites.

As our group got farther down the path, the songs of Ovenbirds, Red-eyed Vireos, Eastern Wood-Pewees and Black-throated Green Warblers rang unbroken. With our sights set far into the treetops, I found it good time to remind birders the benefits of keeping a close eye on the road itself since many of our brown-backed thrushes find fallen caterpillars that way.

At least six Swainson’s Thrush, five Wood Thrush and a few Veery didn’t disappoint. As our focus reverted back to the canopy, three Broad-winged Hawks were observed heading north. Of the seventeen species of wood warblers that we discovered, sightings of a male Blackpoll Warbler, a male Black-throated Blue and hard-fought looks at a stunning Canada Warbler were truly satisfying.

Before reaching the picnic area, a pair of Yellow-billed Cuckoo flew across the road before disappearing into dense foliage. The picnic grounds offered us some thicket-loving species including Indigo Bunting, Common Yellowthroat and Gray Catbird.

Our slow-paced walk back to our cars allowed us the chance to see Ruby-throated Hummingbirds, Great Crested Flycatchers, and beautiful Rose-breasted Grosbeaks!

We ended our bird walk with 66 species.

 Respectively submitted,

Paul Cianflaglione, Trip Leader