By Trip Leader Larry Lunden

A sunny day greeted us as we started out the walk.  Three of us turned out to see what was in the park.  Four if you also count Merlin.

The upper level of the quarry had the usual birds. Merlin heard an Ovenbird, and we heard it off in the distance.  A Rose breasted Grosbeak was calling from a tree and we got a rear end look at it.  Another tree held a Baltimore Oriole, and we got a good look at it.  We had a flyover of a Fish Crow which we identified by call.

At the lower level we had Yellow Warblers calling near the tracks.  Also a faint Wood Thrush in the distance.

The meadows were flooded due to the recent rains, so we omitted the caravan trip.  We also studied the plants along the way.  Many were blossoming with sweet aroma.

Overall we had 21 species, and two warblers.

Larry Lunden

Species at Quarry Park:

Canada Goose  8,  Mourning Dove  7,  Red-tailed Hawk  1,  Red-bellied Woodpecker  4,  Northern Flicker  2,  Blue Jay  5,  Fish Crow  1,  Black-capped Chickadee  1,  Tufted Titmouse  2,  White-breasted Nuthatch  2,  Carolina Wren  1,  Gray Catbird  1,  Wood Thrush  1,  American Robin  14,  American Goldfinch  1,  Baltimore Oriole  1,  Red-winged Blackbird  6,  Ovenbird  1,  Yellow Warbler  2,  Northern Cardinal  3,  Rose-breasted Grosbeak  1,  Cardinal  3