Sunday the 25th of September 2022, Keney Park, Hartford, Windsor line entrance. The
morning started out with gray skies making the early part to our very birdy areas a challenge.
Start time of the walk out of the Keney Park golfer’s parking lot began a few minutes after 8:30.
There was a minimal chill to the air, and it went un-noted. The group had been excited to get
going. We were Eleven in total, and all stayed true to the entire counterclockwise walk, west to
south to east to north, as has been the fashion in the two previous walks that were led in the
spring of 2022 and the fall of 2021. Just shy of a 3-hour trek, one is on flat terrain during the
entire time and through woods during a short part of the area circled. In total, distance covered
was 1.93 miles. 35 Species were noted, though warbler species were likely missed during the
earliest first hour, they were high up in the canopy, near the golf course. It was difficult viewing
at that time. An hour in, the sightings became more visible. Highlights included vireos warbling
and red-eyed, Broad-winged hawks, flycatchers Phoebe and pe-wee, three warbler species
blackpoll, yellow-rumped and pine. Many common CT species were in abundance, Eastern
Bluebird and White-breasted Nuthatch. Scarce were catbird (1). No wrens or doves or herons
crossed our skies or paths and though five species of woodpeckers were heard or seen
throughout the walk, sapsucker, downy, hairy, red-bellied (14) and flickers (11) being the most
abundant. When we were at the final stretch a Belted Kingfisher alerted us with it’s rattling and
back and forth crossing of the skies, along with a flock of 18 Cedar Waxwing where from
nearby and above the pitched wheezing stringed calls, produced oohs and ahhh. This adjacent
tree-lined road just east of the parking lot does produce good birds and is where the Warbling
Vireo was noted. The group appreciated the abundant bird facts discussed and shared.