Saturday May 11 was my annual trip to East Rock Park Hamden/New Haven. Our group assembled among many other birders which helped since there were so many migrants we did not want to miss anything. Also we were helped by the beautiful viewing conditions after so many days of wet or overcast days. The prime attraction were the warblers. They were everywhere and many were at eye level. We managed to record 20 species including Cape May, Bay Breasted, Wilson’s and Hooded. Other species included Black Vulture, Common Raven and Swainson’s Thrush. All this occured on the lower level.
Next, as we were making our way up to the upper level I received a call from John Oshlick that his group were looking at a pair of Summer Tanagers! We made it to where they were in time to see the female which afforded excellent views as it perched low and in the open. Also seen here were more warblers including another Cape May.
The last section covered was to the very top to the Trowbridge Road area. This is often a hot spot but not today as birds were scarce. But we did not really care as we had such good birding at the lower levels!  55 species total.
Respectfully submitted,
Paul Desjardins, guide